It's really been along while since I blog about myself or my thoughts. Today sth occurred to me and made me feel like blogging about it.

Today I had an early morning appointment with a guy to buy sth from him. So I had to wake up very early, one of the very rare occasion that I get up early I'd say. Anyway, after washing up, I made my way to ATM to withdraw money. Outside, the sky is clear with no cloud and no sun and the cool morning breeze brushes me softly. I couldn't help it but find myself enjoying the morning stroll with my favorite tunes on from my iPod. When I got back, I was like God, I'm really getting old. Please tell me that youngsters do enjoy morning strolls and not just senior citizens. Hahaha but honestly I don't really care about that.

Maybe, I should go into rehab and start waking up early and have morning jog instead of midnight jog. :P

Comments (2)

On September 16, 2009 at 3:03 AM , icebreaker said...

i also think u should have this habit of waking early and going for a morning stroll. i'm doing that sometimes, of course not my lazy time. :d

On September 16, 2009 at 7:07 AM , kirahikaru said...

Hahaha for me, it's much easier said than done.