I was browsing images in DeviantArt, then I came across some pictures which I thought would look good as a T-Shirt design. So I grabbed those pictures and put them on a T-Shirt. Here are the results:

Comment: I like this. I hope I can get this T-shirt printed.

Below are: FXTUDIO Design, AB!SK8T Design, and ZOMBIE BUNNY Design
Comment: FXTUDIO is nice. Blood red and black just click. AB!SK8T is cool too but too bad it only look nice on white T and I don't really like white T. ZOMBIE BUNNY? Don't Like.

Images Resource Used:

Zombie Bunny, Gaara, Naruto logo, Gaara Kanji, FXTUDIO, AB!SK8T

Comments (2)

On November 9, 2008 at 6:41 PM , J32 said...

good choice of designs. I like the FXTUDIO one the most.

On November 10, 2008 at 7:20 AM , kirahikaru said...

Yeah FXTUDIO is good.